4 Ways to Get What You Want

Shay Kent
3 min readAug 25, 2021

Identifying what we want is much harder to do than most of us think. We can all identify surface level desires such as more money or to be happy, but do you really know what you want on a deeper level? Maybe not. I’m discussing how to identify those dreams today and the steps you need to take to discover what you really want.

Clarity & Vision

First things first. To understand what you truly want, you must first have clarity. No wishy-washy goals here. Identify specific goals or dreams such as, “I want to get eight restful hours of sleep every night.” Do you see how this is different than, “I want to get more sleep”? Make sure you’re setting clear goals. Once you’ve established some clear goals, it’s time to paint a picture of what the end goal is going to look like. This is visualization. Yes, visualization is a thing and it’s extremely important. Take a moment to focus on the end goal. What does it look like? How do you feel once you’ve reached that goal? Once you’ve visualized your success and what that picture is going to look like, it’s time for step two!

Understanding Your Why

If you’ve ever babysat a toddler or had a kid of your own, you’re pretty familiar with the “why.” You explain something to the child and they ask why. You answer that question and they again ask why. This can continue all damn day. While it’s exhausting, it does bring up a relevant point: the why behind everything we do or say. So, let’s start with a why question. Why is it important to identify your why? Because your reason (why) for wanting to achieve this goal is what keeps you going! Think of it as your continued motivation.


Bet you didn’t think we were going to be discussing consequences in a post about our wants and desires, did you? Well, ultimately, everything has consequences, and your wants and desires are no different. What are the consequences of not achieving your goal? For example, if your goal is to get eight hours of sleep a night and you fail to meet this goal, a potential consequence is that you have no energy. But how do these consequences not only affect you, but your friends and family, too? Maybe it causes you to be cranky with your partner and your kids, which can hurt them. This makes reaching your goal even more important.

The Root of It All

So, you’ve set clear goals, identified why you want to achieve these goals and the consequences you’ll have to deal with if you don’t meet these goals…great! You’re almost there. The last thing you need to do is understand what is holding you back. What’s at the root of why you haven’t done these things yet. This is more than just, “I’m not working out, so I’m not losing weight.” Why are you really not losing weight? The root cause could be that you’re more concerned with comfort than being fit.

Once you have identified the root cause, break it up! This is what is holding you back. Don’t let it hold you back, but rather understand it and get rid of it so you can get on track to achieving your goals.

Shay’s Sign Off

Action takers, it’s really all about setting goals and doing what it takes to achieve them. This includes being clear about what you want, identifying why you want to achieve these goals, understanding the consequences of not achieving your goals, and diving into what’s holding you back. It’s that simple! So, let’s get out there and do it!

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Shay Kent

Teaching women how to be #1 in their lives, without feeling guilty or alienating others through mentorship programs, online courses and workshops.