Have you ever noticed that successful women seem to live by a different set of rules? How they don’t seem to struggle to get what they want? How people, experiences and things just show up for them?
Do you want that in your life?
Here’s 5 things never to do in your life because they will get you the opposite of what you want:
1. Blame
Successful women don’t blame others for what has gone wrong. They take ownership of it. Why? Because if they don’t have ownership, or responsibility, then they are not able to change it. If something goes awry and they’re responsible then they can learn from, pivot and go again to get the outcome that they want.
2. Judge
They don’t judge other women. Not because they are super nice, but because they are too busy making their life happen than to waste time passing judgement on others.
3. Compare
This is a lot like #2. Successful women don’t compare themselves to others. Life is not a measuring stick. They are focused in their lane not looking around to see what others are doing. And when another woman has a win, they celebrate with her!
4. Procrastinate
Why put off what can be done today for tomorrow? Successful women are ACTION TAKERS. They know that if they lolly gag around the opportunity will pass them by. They process the information they need to make a decision quickly and then they move.
5. Go it Alone
Successful women know that having solid support around them is the difference between building an exquisite life and not. No one can make it through this world all alone. They have connections and relationships that will help, support, and encourage them. And she’s not afraid to ask for support!
Bonus #6: Be wishy-washy
They know what they want and then they decide to get it. They don’t change their minds midway through or completely change direction. They are direct and concise in their communication. They set goals and get them done.
When you put an end to these habits things will start to show up for you in your life. I hope that this has helped.
Shay Kent