Do You Expect Too Little? How To Get More Outta Life in 2023

Shay Kent
3 min readDec 11, 2022
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Have you ever expected a certain outcome and gotten it? Of course you have! Whether that was expecting that person to ask you out, or knowing that you wouldn’t win anything in the raffle or knowing that something good was coming your way.

Many people tend to expect the worst or have very low expectations so then they won’t be let down. Do you do that?

What if you could have high expectations and have them met?

I was at a Christmas parade yesterday. The family in front of me had 3 kids of similar ages all excitedly lined up against the railing- front row!

I watched all 116 floats go by, throwing out candy and necklaces like it was Mardie Gras, and one of these kids got more candy and swag than any of the others standing within a foot of him.

I began to wonder why as I watched.

He wasn’t anymore animated than the others he was with. He wasn’t jumping around like a crazed kid hopped up in pixie stix. Yet every single float that went by made sure to throw or hand him something specifically.

I believe it was because that’s what he expected to happen.

Smile on his face and hands open to receive, he knew that was going to happen.

When was the last time you were so sure of an outcome in your life that you simply smiled and opened up to receiving your bounty?

Photo by S&B Vonlanthen on Unsplash

Or have you been too distracted with thoughts like, “I’m just not lucky,” or “Why would that happen?” or thinking that the exact opposite thing will likely happen to you because you never get what you want?

Ask yourself, “Am I receiving the doubts or fears I have around the thing I want, or do I usually get the thing I want?”

Take an inventory.

If you’re getting more of what you’re afraid of getting, then it’s time to start expecting more for yourself.

Yes, some things you may want can be scary or have scary negative outcomes if they don’t happen your way. Like starting a business and failing. If you go into it expecting to fail, how could you actually succeed?

Start with little things. I expect to see dolphins every time I go the beach. I see them every time. Anticipate having the best parking space at the crowded restaurant. Believe that you get what you want.

You’ll start to see things happening for you that you’ve not experienced before.

Give up thinking that you’re not lucky enough, or that you don’t win raffles.

From now on, you ARE so lucky! You always win at raffles! Input the opposite of whatever it is that you tell yourself and start believing it. Then expecting it.

Amazing things are coming your way!


Shay Kent



Shay Kent

Teaching women how to be #1 in their lives, without feeling guilty or alienating others through mentorship programs, online courses and workshops.