“It’s just my luck” is a cop-out mindset

Shay Kent
3 min readJan 1, 2023
Photo by Fredrik Öhlander on Unsplash

What comes after, “It’s just my luck…”? Usually some negative outcome, right?

“It’s just my luck that I’d get a flat tire on my home in a snow storm.”

Did that happen or did you create that because you thought it would happen?

Stop saying “It’s just my luck” and start taking responsibility for the results in your life!

oh, did that offend you? I don’t care.

We have more control over the results that happen in our lives than most people think that we do.

Most people are under the false impression that the world happens to them, rather than them happening to the world.

Some call this Radical Responsibility.

The truth is you are an active player in your game of life. The outside world is not. The outside world is made up of circumstances and hurdles. They exist regardless if you exist. Which means that you are the common denominator in your life.

It’s me Hi, I’m the problem, it’s me” — Taylor Swift

This chick gets it, regardless of whether or not you like her music.

When you buy into the idea of “It’s just my luck” as a crutch for your less than stellar results in life. Used as a reason why your life sucks, you’re letting yourself off the hook way too easily.

When you continue to do that, your results in life will NOT get better. At the best they will stay the same. More than likely, over time, they will get worse.

“It’s just my luck” is equivalent to “I’m just a victim of circumstances and refuse to do anything about it, aren’t I cute?”


You’re WAY better than that, so start fucking acting like it!

What would happen if you looked at your results in life and wondered what role you played in them?

Got rear ended by some idiot? You’re not at fault, however you did have a role in that. What was it? You left at that time, you took that route, you didn’t see them coming up on you in the rear view mirror, etc.

It’s being able to disconnect your feelings from the result and take an objective look at how you created it in your life.

Ask yourself: How did I create this? What role did I have?

And don’t save these questions for only the negatives in life.

Ask this of yourself for the positive things too! You’ll really get excited when you recognize the positive actions you took. (and you can focus on what works so you can do more of it!)

When you allow yourself to buy into “just my luck” you’re really saying “shit happens, not my fault.” Yeah, shit happens. And you had a role in it. There’s a difference between fault and role.

To be at fault is a negative connotation. And I’m not talking about beating yourself up. I’m talking about realizing the active part that you play in your life.

When you take Radical Responsibility over your life, your entire life will change.

You’ll learn how you create what you get in life. You’ll be able to take your power back over your life and start living intentionally.

Good things are coming your way!


Shay Kent



Shay Kent

Teaching women how to be #1 in their lives, without feeling guilty or alienating others through mentorship programs, online courses and workshops.